Anas ibn Malik (Radhiallaahu Anhu) reports: "When you see seventy-two
of Qiyamat, know that the last hour is near. They are:
* Salaat will be neglected,
* Trusts will be embezzled,
* Interest will be consumed,
* Speaking lies will
be common,
* Life will become cheap,
* Tall buildings will
be erected,
* One's religion will
be sold for the world,
* Family-ties will be
* Patience will be lost,
* Lies will be regarded
as truth,
* Silken garments will
be worn (by men),
* Deceit and cheating
will be common,
* Divorces will be a
daily occurrence,
* People will die suddenly,
* Swindlers will be trusted,
* The trustworthy will
be belied,
* The lier will be given
* The truthful person
will be falsified,
* Accusation (of adultery)
will be rife,
* Rain will be scorching
* Children will be born
* The fraudulent will
be successful,
* The honest would be
* Leaders and officials
will be self-motivated,
* The mystics (Sufis)
would be immersed in dark practices,
* The Qurra would be
* When people would wear
leather clothing, their hearts will be more pungent
than excreta,
* Only the exercising
of patience (not alternate strategy) will be able to
overcome corruptions
(i.e. there will be support for the truth),
* People would deliberately
involve themselves in dangerous sports and
activities like the Jews,
* Gold will be displayed
* There will be a demand
for silver,
* Many lecturers and
sermonises will appear,
* Commanding of the good
will be forgotten,
* Qur'ans would be decorated,
* The Masajid would be
adorned and embellished,
* Pulpits would be constructed
* Hearts would be bereft
of light,
* Liquor and intoxicants
would be consumed,
* The Islamic punishments
(hudud) will not be enforced,
* The slave-girl would
give birth to her master (i.e. orders would be
disobeyed, or juniors
would start influencing their seniors),
* Shameless and naked
people will become leaders,
* The wife would join
her husband in business,
* Men would start imitating
* Women would start imitating
* Oaths will be taken
in the name other than Allah,
* A person would give
evidence without having asked to do so,
* People would gain mastery
over the sciences for purposes other than the
recognition of Allah,
* Worldly profits will
be gained through religious enterprises,
* Leaders would not equally
distribute wealth and resources, and the
rightful recipients will
be deprived,
* Trusts will be treated
as booty (to be consumed),
* Zakaat will be regarded
as a tax,
* The most respected
person in the community will its worst,
* Children would disobey
their parents,
* Mothers would be treated
* Friends would be respected,
* One's wife will be
exclusively obeyed,
* The voices of sinners
will be elevated in the Masajid,
* Dancing and music will
be rampant,
* Liquor would be consumed
in the streets,
* Oppressing and cheating
people would become a source of achievement and
* Police and security
will be multiplied,
* The Qur'an would be
recited in singing tones,
* The skins of wild animals
would be laid down,
* The last portion of
this Ummah would curse the first generation of Muslims
(i.e. the Sahabah).
When all these are prevalent, wait for red winds, earthquakes, mutilation
bodies, tornadoes, and other signs."
Anas ibn Malik (RA) further
"When indecency is prevalent
in your elders, and ruling power is in the
hands of the young, and knowledge
is attained for one's own aspiration for
it (i.e. to learn knowledge
for fame or to merely fuel one's ego), and when
nepotism is found in your best
people, then await the last hour."
From amongst other signs of the Hour will be that:
1. When a one hour crescent is sighted, it will be said that it is a
two day
2. Women will grossly outnumber men, so much so tha tthe ration would
3. Ignorance of Islam will be common,
4. Much will be said (much information will be available), and little
be practiced upon.
The onslaught of such a time has been described by the Holy Prophet
(SAW) in the following terms: "A time will come when a person steadfast
his religion will like holding hot coals in his hand."
Adapted from Ahwal Yaum al-Qiyamah of 'Allamah Safarini
Moulana Khalid Dhorat
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